Case Studies
Case studies showcase real-world examples of how companies and organizations have implemented different industrial fluids to improve their operations. These case studies focus on a variety of topics, including fluid selection, application, maintenance, and disposal. They also highlight the benefits and challenges associated with different fluid types and the impact of fluid choices on equipment performance, worker safety, and environmental sustainability. They feature industries including industrial, automotive, aerospace, mining and tube & pipe.

65% Less Delays in Kick-Out Roll Using QUINTOLUBRIC® 888-46
A UK Steel producer was modifying their passive transfer system (Kick-Out Roll), to help improve the efficiency of their operations.
Case study: cs_quintolubric_888-46_steel_hot-mill-rolling_EN

13% Power Consumption Reduction by Converting to QUINTOLUBRIC 888-68 Polyol Ester (HFD-U) Hydraulic Fluid
An automotive parts manufacturer was looking to replace the water glycol (HFC) fire-resistant hydraulic fluids used to operate their die-casting equipment.

€15.000 Reduction in Total Costs of Ownership (TCO) QUINTOLUBRIC® 888-46
A major global manufacturer of operating 6 die casting units was experiencing major issues with their HFC (water glycol) hydraulic fluid. The problems reported where high maintenance costs, and unreliable hydraulic system performance. To help improve operations, increase fluid lifetime, and reduce the total costs, QUINTOLUBRIC® 888-46 was tested as an alternative HFD-U fire resistant hydraulic fluid.

Odor Elimination and Improved Fluid Maintenance HOUGHTO-DRAW® 7060
Guided by our core values, Quaker Houghton drives environmental and social progress in a responsible and ethical manner.

Mitigates the Risk of Fire by Using Fire-Resistant Hydraulic Fluid QUINTOLUBRIC® 888-68
To mitigate the risks of using a mineral oil based hydraulic fluid a large underground coal mine in southern West Virginia was using QUINTOLUBRIC® 888-68 an MSHA approved fire-resistant hydraulic fluid in their hydraulic systems.

Label-Free Coolant Technology Eliminates Dermatitis Machining Aluminum Components QUAKERCOOL® 7750
A global supplier of custom die cast parts across various industries was having serious problems with their machining coolant. This U.S. based customer was experiencing foul odors in the sumps while operators were suffering from dermatitis.